Peyton Brown

Peyton Brown


Squat 515

Bench 405

Power Clean 320

Vertical 40 inch


ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Corrective Exercise

Exercise recovery



Strength and Conditioning.

About Coach

It has been a heck of a journey that is for sure! I started lifting and working out in 2014. I played lacrosse and football for about 12 years each, including in college, and wrestled for a few years as well. The biggest thing I am most thankful for is what I learned through the principles of working out. I won championships in sports, have lifted 6 times my body weight, and have been at the top of my competition many times but none of those achievements compare to the fight I learned for my own life through the gym. Because I chose to stand back up while under the bar, press it, and curl it, all while I felt like I couldn't I am now able in life to function under the most difficult of circumstances. That same principle is what I want people to learn to gain from coming to this gym.

Turning Point

I have had a lot of turning points in my journey, and in my life in general. I would say the number one turning point I had in my lifting journey was when I was really young I got made fun of for being a little chubbier and for getting cut from a team that everyone in my grade made, except for me. From that point, I was willing to do whatever it took to reach any goal I had! Again, the principle for working for what I wanted on the field real young, has now translated into my life today. Losing is not an option!

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to pour into the community, and hopefully help them find what I did through exercise. Which is discipline, consistency, and passion in every other area of my life. The way I lift is the way I work. The way I run is the way I love. The way I prepare is the way I make a choice to sacrifice. All intensely, intentionally, and purposeful. Every step I take has meaning. I want people to feel filled up, after being in a gym session with me because of my experience and how I carry myself now because of it.